Pain is frequent among employees with repetitive and forceful job tasks.
Neck, shoulder and back pain is common conditions related to work. These static positions contribute to physical load and pain. Prolonged sitting also slows the metabolism, which affects the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar, blood pressure and break down body fat.
Consequences of Injuries:
- * Depression
- * Anger
- * Early signs of ageing due to stress
- * Potential negative effects on family or relationship
- * Leave work
- * Absentee
- * Worker’s Compensation
- * Lost productivity
- * Retraining of staff
Lowering the physical exposure through participatory ergonomic interventions may represent a strategy to reduce musculoskeletal loading intensity and/or rehabilitate musculoskeletal pain.
Why Ergonomics?
- * Prevent Injuries
- * Improve Functionality
- * Improve Body Awareness
So, what must we do?
20/20/20 Rule
- * Every 20 minutes
- * Stand for 20 seconds
- * Look 20 feet away from your screen
Do regular stretches
Ergonomic changes:
Bookstand/document holder
Standing desks
Foot rest
External keyboard and mouse
Lumbar Support
Laptop stand
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