Stretch it out at the office

Stretch ideas to ensure you stay flexible and injury free at work! 


Shoulder stretch


Interlink your fingers in front of your body and turn your palms to face outwards. Slowly straighten your arms and stretch forward. Hold this position for 15 seconds.


Interlink your fingers behind your body and turn your palms to face outwards. Slowly straighten your arms and stretch back. Hold this position for 15 seconds.


Shoulder pull

Hold your upper arm just under your elbow and pull that arm at shoulder height across your chest. Repeat for both arms holding the stretch for 15 seconds on either side.


Triceps and shoulder stretch

Reach behind your head with your elbow bent. Using your other hand, push down on the bend elbow to get that arm to move further down your back. Hold for 15 second and be sure to stretch both arms.


Neck stretch

Reach with your right hand over your head, placing your hand over your left ear. Slowly pull your head away from your left shoulder, making sure that your left shoulder drops down and does not lift as you stretch. Do this one both sides, holding for 15 seconds each.


Knee to chest

This can be performed in a seated or standing position as long as your back is supported. Using your hands, slowly pull your knee up towards your chest and hold for 15 seconds. Repeat on the other side.


Back rotation

Sit in a chair with your left leg crossed over your right leg at the knee. Place your right hand on your left thigh just above your knee and pull your leg towards the right. At the same time turn your body towards the left and look over your left shoulder. Hold this stretch for 15 seconds and repeat on the other side.


Chest stretch

Raise your arms and bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle. Place your forearms and hands on the edge of a door frame. Keeping your feet shoulder distance apart, lean forward through the doorway, holding the stretch for 15 seconds.

Fun idea : Do this with your colleagues to keep motivation high!